Studijo Wallart

HBOR loan and tax relief based on Investment promotion Act

Read more about our long-term collaboration with an entrepreneur producing globally awarded wallpapers.

Client's Challenge

The client had a clear vision of expanding her business, for which she needed financial resources. The investment amounted to 381 thousand EUR. Lacking internal capacities and knowledge to research available credit options and various types of funds for entrepreneurs in Croatia, she sought assistance.

Our Approach to the Task

Before formalizing the collaboration, we gathered specific information about the plans. Once we determined the real potential and agreed on the terms of cooperation, we started an intensive project.

During a comprehensive analysis of all available co-financing options, we identified eligibility for tax relief on profits and the possibility of obtaining favorable credit lines from HBOR. We prepared an investment study and a series of other documents for the application.

The process of preparing documentation for the loan took a month, and the loan approval process took an additional 3 months. The process of approving tax relief took more than a year. Throughout the entire process, we were the entrepreneur’s right hand, available to prepare document amendments and provide answers to additional questions from specific institutions.

Collaboration goals

Ensure optimal financing for starting production activities

Results achieved

Secured two loans from HBOR

Realized the right to use tax relief on profits

Type of service

  • Preparation of documentation for HBOR, including an investment study

  • Support in communication with the bank during the loan approval process

  • Preparation of application for tax relief

  • Support in reporting to the Ministry of Economy

“Everyone in entrepreneurship has their own vision, and personally, I believe that we shouldn’t expect anyone to share our enthusiasm and faith in what we do. However, from Tatjana and Iva, besides top-notch expertise and professionalism, we received an abundance of enthusiasm and empathy. It was truly a beautiful experience, and I am happy to have had the opportunity to work with them. I sincerely hope that we have only just begun.”
– Josipa Maras, Studijo Wallart
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