Read more about our collaboration with an entrepreneur involved in developing an IoT system
The client had an innovative idea for developing a 5G autonomous drone system in collaboration with partners. However, they lacked the time and experience to secure external funding for research and development of the idea. The investment amounted to 42 million HRK. Since the project would not be implemented within the planned period and scope with the intended partners without financial support, they decided to turn to us to help secure non-refundable funds from EU funds.
Before formalizing the collaboration, we gathered as much specific information about the planned project idea as possible. After determining the real potential for co-financing development, we agreed on the terms of cooperation and started intensive work on the project.
Our service included working on conceptualizing the project and preparing documentation in accordance with the conditions of EU competitions. During the collaboration, we prepared a business plan and a series of other necessary documents for the application. We communicated daily with the applicant and two partners, monitoring changes in competition documentation and other information crucial for the quality preparation of the application. The process of preparing documentation took 3 months. The process of approving the project proposal took approximately 9 months.
Collaboration goals
Secure non-refundable funds from EU funds for the development of an innovative 5G autonomous drone system
Results achieved
Secured non-refundable funds from EU funds
Type of service
Conceptualization of the project according to the conditions of EU funds call
Preparation of complete application documentation