Transition to an Energy and Resource Efficient Economy

Aid Type

Non-repayable grant from EU funds

Who is the call intended for?

Entrepreneurs from energy-intensive industries who want to invest in energy and resource efficiency in production

Who can apply?

Small, medium and medium capitalized enterprises of eligible activities within sector C Manufacturing industry that have a share of energy costs in realized revenues of 2 percent or more* in 2023 and have to:

  • in 2023 and before submitting the application, be registered for one of the acceptable activities C: 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31
  • have a positive EBITDA in 2023 .
  • have more than 10 employees based on hours worked in 2023 .
  • their business income in 2023 amount to more than 50% of the total value of the project
  • their minimum share of capital and reserves in liabilities in 2023 be more than 15%


Which costs are eligible?

Interventions aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of thermal energy, interventions aimed at reducing energy consumption (thermal, electrical, etc.), reducing CO2 emissions, etc., installing new systems for the production of electricity, energy for heating sanitary/technological water, thermal/cooling energy and space heating/cooling from renewable energy sources (e.g. solar power plant, heat pumps, solid biomass boilers, etc.), introduction of new technologies that result in efficient use of resources and reduction of funds spent in production, construction/reconstruction of buildings exclusively related to the achievement of technical conditions, advisory services (project management, expert supervision, preparation of procurement documentation, audit) and others.

What is the application deadline?

Applications are possible from September 13, 2024, and evaluation is done in order of receipt (fastest finger).

Total budget of the call:

145.000.000 EUR

Total budget of the call:

for SMEs EUR 70,000 – EUR 995,000; for medium medium capitalized companies EUR 265,000 – EUR 4,645,200

Aid intensity:

depending on the size of the company, the location of the investment and the type of support, 35%-75%

Level of complexity


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