Primary: Corporate Income Tax Incentives / Secondary: grants for salaries of new employees and employee training
Who is the call intended for?
The Investment Promotion Act is intended for entrepreneurs of certain sectors who plan investment projects in fixed assets and employment over a period of 3 years.
Who can apply?
Micro, small, medium, and large enterprises
Which costs are eligible?
Investments in the construction of production facilities, equipping production and offices, software and long-term licenses, IT equipment, business vehicles, creating new jobs, etc.
What is the application deadline?
The Law on Investment Promotion (Official Gazette 63/2022) is in force. Applications are possible at any time, but it is crucial that they be made before ordering equipment, registering the construction site and hiring
Total budget of the call:
not specified
Total budget of the call:
depends on the investment
Aid intensity:
depending on the size of the company and the investment location, 35%-75%