

Read more about our collaboration with an entrepreneur engaged in the development of an innovative insert for cycling shorts, produced using 3D technology

Client's Challenge

The client had a clear vision for further work and development of an innovative insert for cycling shorts but lacked the time and experience to obtain additional external funding. The investment amounted to 2 million HRK. Since without financial support, the project’s development to the commercialization phase could not be achieved within the envisaged period and scope, the client decided to turn to us to help secure non-refundable funds from EU funds.

Our Approach to the Task

Before formalizing the collaboration, we gathered as much specific information about growth and investment plans. After determining the real potential for co-financing development, we agreed on the terms of collaboration and started intensive work on the project.

Our service included work on conceptualizing the project and preparing documentation in accordance with the conditions of EU call. During the collaboration, we prepared a business plan and a series of other necessary documents for the application. The process of preparing documentation took 3 months. The approval process for the project proposal took approximately 7 months.

Collaboration goals

Secure non-refundable funds from EU funds for further development of innovative technology for producing inserts for cycling shorts

Results achieved

Secured non-refundable funds from EU funds

Type of service

  • Conceptualization of the project according to the conditions of EU funds call

  • Preparation of complete application documentation

“We don’t consider other options because when working with them, they contemplate various aspects in advance – how to achieve more, what potential risks there are, and how to overcome them. And everything is under control even in extremely short deadlines.”
– Francesco Gargano, Adma Pro
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